Anagram Solver: Finder, Cheat GAME
◆ Powerful filters to refine your searches.
◆ Look up word definitions on click.
◆ Speak the word.
◆ Word copy to clipboard.
◆ Completely offline App.
◆ App support the world's 47 languages.
◆ Check word is a function like Word Lookup
◆ You can find any word anagram. try Our Example of how to search Anagram.
◆ You can also search Anagram of word by Length.
You can solve crosswords & anagram of world-famous celebrity, famous person, male & female name, films movies actor, actress & famous names Etc.
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Following dictionary include.
European Languages
English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch, Danish, Czech, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Ukrainian
Asian Languages
Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Malay, Thai, Arabic, Persian, Burmese, Nepali, Vietnamese, Urdu, Indonesian, Turkish
African languages
African, Zulu, Somali
Indian Languages
Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Kannada, Malayalam
Companion app helps you complete the most popular anagram puzzle.