Amma Adarsha Patashala APP
A mobile application is proposed to monitor the progress of development related activities and provide the updated status will be available in proposed mobile application, any authenticated user can login to the system by using provided credentials and update the status, initially the following primary users are identified to use the application, these users use the application on role based mechanism:
The Secretary to Government
To monitor the developmental activities
Accessing of Dash board
The Director , School Education
To monitor the developmental activities
Accessing of Dash board
The Collector
To monitor the developmental activities
Accessing of Dash board
Engineering Staff
Upload the work activities
Download/View the available information
School Headmasters
Upload the work activities
Download/View the available information
Tata Consultancy Services(TCS) has identified as Implementation partner to develop and Maintain this application, role of TCS is develop/customize the application., host the application in Cloud environment and maintain the application