Ambuja Cement Connect APP
- DO (Delivery Orders) as generated are shared with the customers via SMS with LIVE GPS Truck details.
- Ledgers, Invoices can be generated. Credit Limit & Outstanding based on invoices can also be seen.
- Retailer Registration: A new feature has been added for Retailers to onboard the application. This feature allows the Retailers to register as a first-time user, approved by TSO/DO, get onboarded with required & necessary paperwork and have an ID generated for application use. This feature allows the Retailer to place an order request to the Dealer who can take the order ahead as needed. Retailers can also track all the order place from Requested to Delivered.
- This feature also will show various reports as needed e.g., Retailer’s request to Dealers, Request rejection reports with reasons etc.
- SMS Integration with Delivery Order for Live Tracking: Axestrack system has been integrated as part of Logistics initiative to implement GPS Tracker in all trucks; for LIVE tracking of delivery orders that move out of Plants. As soon as the DO is generated, Axestrack will send a URL with LIVE GPS Tracking of the Truck. SMS with this Link is sent to the relevant customer tagged with the DO. Customer can see the LIVE GPS tracking of the trucks, where it made stop, how much longer to reach destination etc.
- UI/UX Changes: A revamp of the application has been done to ensure it follows Adani Branding & guidelines. This also includes changing the app name to Adani Cement Connect. Currently this is only done on limited screens for the features mentioned. A complete revamp will follow later.