AMap Viewer APP
Main Features
• Designed for tramping (hiking), cycling, skiing, etc, in New Zealand and all countries.
• Simple and easy to use. Minimal settings required.
• Lightweight yet powerful display of raster (mbtiles) and vector (MapsForge) maps including maps from Open Street Maps / OpenAndroMaps..
• Download topographic maps of New Zealand (derived from LINZ Topo50 and Topo250 maps) and maps of all countries, from within the app.
• View online aerial photography in NZ.
• Overlay one map on top of another with variable denisity.
• No internet connectivity is required or used after downloading maps.
• Log your route and save as a GPX file.
• Display any number of previously logged or imported tracks (GPX files).
• Display data and statistics about any track.
• Edit tracks or compose from scratch.
• Display data about any trackpoint including the time and distance from the beginning and end of the track.
• Unique feature to draw the distant skyline and identify peaks on the map.
• Built in help.
• Simple text menus (not just obscure icons). (English only, sorry).
• Search for geographic features, towns, mountain huts and homesteads in NZ, vector map features including streets in all countries.
• Storage permission is used to support existing users only who may have maps and tracks stored at random locations. New users will use AMap's dedicated storage folder and will not be asked for the storage permission, however tracks can be imported from other locations.
• Location permission is required to see where you are on the map or to log a track. The "only while using the app" permission is all that is required on Android 10+, not "background location". (However AMap will still log tracks with the screen off or when you switch to another app.)