allertaLOM APP
How the Civil Protection alert works in the Lombardy Region.
The alerts concern foreseeable natural risks (hydrogeological, hydraulic, strong storms, strong wind, snow, avalanches and forest fires) and present increasing levels of criticality (code green, yellow, orange, red) depending on the severity and extent of the phenomena. The alert documents are intended for the local Civil Protection system and provide indications for activating the contrast measures provided for in the Municipal Civil Protection Plans. For citizens, alerts are a tool for knowing when to take self-protection measures, following the instructions of the local Civil Protection Authority. For more information, see the page on alerts on the Lombardy Region Portal
Download the App for:
• stay up to date on the Civil Protection alerts in Lombardy;
• monitor the alert situation on preferred Municipalities or on the whole region;
• follow the evolution of the alert levels on a map over 36 hours;
• receive notifications when alerts are issued in the preferred municipalities on the selected risks;
• download and consult the alert documents