alive5 APP
Additional Features:
Bots - Automate your conversations and support by creating a bot chain. Types of Bots include: Greeting, Question, Payment, and Away. Link bots together to achieve your perfect conversation flow.
FAQs - Create a knowledge base of information and canned responses for your agents
Contacts - Save client information for easy identification and documentation.
Conversation Status - Set conversations to Open, Pending or Closed to keep your SMS thread organized.
Google AdWords & SMS - Add your SMS number to your Adwords Campaign to increase Mobile Engagement and Click through Rates by letting prospects text your business.
Use your current landline or area code! We can port over any existing landline so your customers easily recognize the number to save in their phones. No landline? No Problem! Pick any desired area code and create a new number in our system.
Text Us at 713-999-4636
Or if you’re old-fashioned: Email us at