Ali Academy KTU - Learning App APP
Ali Academy KTU Learning mobile application is an easy to use daily companion for your engineering studies.
➲ Available BTech subjects (2019 Scheme)
▣ EST130 Basics of Electronics Engineering
▣ EET205 Analog Electronics
➲ Available BTech subjects (2015 Scheme)
▣ EC100 Basics of Electronics Engineering
▣ CS207 Electronics Devices and Circuits
▣ EE203 Analog Electronic Circuits
▣ EC312 Object Oriented Programming
➲ Features
- Communicate through in-app feed
- Ask questions on a particular topic
- Get notified on new contents
- Ali Academy Classroom for scheduled classes
➲ Contact us:
- If you are experiencing any bug presence in the latest update or having any question or suggestion, feel free to contact us through