Alexia presents its APP for tablets with Android operating system version

Latest Version

Jan 15, 2017
Google Play ID

Alexia APP

Alexia APP presents its version for tablets with Android operating system. A new user experience that will allow teachers to perform duties of the classroom on your mobile device. Teachers work with the APP version of Alexia with the same database, so only have to enter information once and all will be saved in the system.

The teachers will have student records and areas with all the pertinent information, can spend per student and list them all, so interval (day, morning, afternoon) as per session, justify incidents, by area and assess student qualify measurable aspects, defining and evaluating controls, add and view comments and add new events to the calendar.

Parents can view grades, incidents, calendar and announcements.

To use this APP you must belong to a school that uses Alexia as a management system and your center must've facilitated the activation license.
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