Alarm112 APP
An alarm report is created by selecting the appropriate pictogram corresponding to the category of alarm event. The report is sent to CPR, and then handled by the operator of the emergency number, according to the same procedures that apply to the handling of reports sent to the emergency number 112 by telephone. The event created on the basis of the information provided is transferred for implementation by the relevant services (Police, Fire Brigade and Medical Rescue).
It should be remembered that an important element of the notification is determining the place of the incident, which can be done in several ways: selecting the declared places, entering the location manually or using GPS. Additionally, there is a possibility of two-way communication with the operator of the emergency number via SMS or making a voice call to the emergency number 112.
The application is intended for people staying in Poland.
In order to obtain the functionality of sending emergency notifications, the user must accept the regulations and the privacy policy, and then register by providing the following data:
first name and last name,
e-mail adress,
phone number.
The Teleinformation System of Emergency Notification Centers does not support MMS multimedia messages.
The declaration of availability can be found at: