Akuuttihoito-opas APP
Medicines for acute care contains information on 237 medicines in hospital use. Up-to-date instructions help to act appropriately, systematically and correctly. The main focus is on intravenously administered preparations. The limitations and emphasis of the content are based on the authors' long-term work experience. Reporters: Maija Kaukonen, Stepani Bendel, Juha Grönlund, Sanna Hoppu, Piia Kipinä, Irma Koivula, Jani Mononen and Mirka Sivula.
Treatment of poisonings helps identify poisonings quickly and gives instructions on the necessary treatment and follow-up. In relation to treatment principles, prevention of absorption, acceleration of elimination and medical treatment are examined. Editors: Tuomas Lilius, Sari Karlsson, Leena Soininen and Juha Valli.