Aku Pintar - #PilihJourneymu APP
🚀 Minat Pintar
No need to break the bank to purchase Psychological tests with free assessments like Personality Tests, Ability Tests, Learning Style Tests, and Major Tests available in Minat Pintar. These tests make it easy for you to discover more about yourself, and you can access them for FREE, anytime, and from anywhere.
🚀 Asterbot ⭐
The first AI educational counselor in Indonesia has been launched! Feeling shy to talk to others? Give Asterbot a try. Asterbot is ready to assist you with any of your dilemmas!
🚀 Kampus Pintar
Wherever your prospective major or dream campus may be, information about prices, admission competitiveness, comparisons between majors, and comprehensive details about each major, are available on Kampus Pintar to give you a clear picture.
🚀 Beasiswa Pintar
Find comprehensive information about your dream scholarship at Beasiswa Pintar! Everything from eligibility criteria, required documents, to registration schedules is available here.
🚀 Pendaftaran Kampus
Enrolling in your dream university is now hassle-free with Aku Pintar!
🚀 Belajar Pintar
Boost your confidence in front of your friends with your grades! Access comprehensive school learning materials along with 1000++ free practice exercises for junior and senior high school subjects, anytime and anywhere.
🚀 Kursus Pintar
Grades aren’t the whole deal, that’s why Aku Pintar provides you with a bunch of affordable soft skills courses. Plus, you can join them whenever it suits you!
🚀 Tes Pintar
Test your learning abilities with various online Tryouts, ranging from UTBK, National Examinations, College Entrance Exams, and other quality simulations within this feature.
🚀 Sekolah Pintar
A feature for those seeking comprehensive information about high schools or their equivalent in Indonesia (zone services/school comparison simulations).
🚀 Konseling Pintar
Open up and seek enlightenment on education, career, family, or any other concerns with our certified counselors!
🚀 Info Pintar
Enhance your knowledge through blog articles packed with information on both educational and non-educational topics, from junior high to senior high school levels.
🚀 Ruang Pintar
A live streaming platform for lessons, designed for those who are too bored to study alone! Engage in discussions and ask questions to your heart’s content with the education team of Aku Pintar!
Aku Pintar not only provides educational content within the app but also shares knowledge through various monthly events (which are not only exclusive to friends of Aku Pintar but are also intended for teachers and parents!).
Stay informed by following all of Aku Pintar’s social media channels:
Instagram: @akupintar.id, @akupintar.kampus
Youtube: AkuPintar
TikTok: @akupintar.id
Website: akupintar.id
Spotify: Astrid Vibes
Facebook: Komunitas Guru Pintar Indonesia (grup), Komunitas Ortu Remaja Masa Kini