Aktivity APP
Thanks to Aktivity Tea
* Refer Racing Calendar Popular in Spain, filtering your searches by Sport, State, Date and Distances / racing categories.
* Enroll all races through the link to the official website of each test.
* Save your favorite races on your profile and create your own calendar of the season.
* Register your back in every race, with which we will obtain your time / position and will assign points for the rankings.
Racing tod @ s @ s of the compañer your sports club, your company or your university in your own internal Ranking. Filter rankings for Sport, province, sex and age.
Best of each sport in your Inner Ranking, will be represented in the National Rankings Interclubs, Interempresas and inter-university.
Global Ranking: Individual with all athletes in your province, and team with the best of each ranking.
Ranking Solidario: register your donation to the NGO team you choose.