AJD Business APP
For Stores
Step 1:- Download the AJD business app from the play store
Step 2:- Register your store details & categories
Step 3:- Refer your customers to an AJD for cash back and reward points
Step 4:- Explain to them how they will get benefits from AJD
Step 5:- Get income from your customer who buys from any AJD store, even if your store Will be closed
For Customers
Step 1:- Download the AJD business app
Step 2:- Register as a reference generator by store referral code
Step 3:- Load your wallet, and get cash back and reward points by paying AJD business
Step 4:- Refer your friends to get reward points and cash from their use of AJD
Step 5:- Claim a voucher from reward points and get absolutely free product with that voucher amount