AirPhone APP
1. Playback 44.1KHz 16 bits stereo CD quality loseless audio.
2. Touchpad - Includes all typical touch pad functions plus multi-touch support. You can use two finger tap on the screen to perform right click and two finger slide on the screen to perform vertical scrolling.
Application requirements:
1. Android phone/tablet with Android 6.0 and above.
2. Android phone/tablet has to switch to WiFi mode.
3. Any PC or laptop running Windows 10 (all 32/64 bits versions).
4. Android phone/tablet and the AudioServer PC must be on the same subnet.
5. The AudioServer application must be downloaded and installed on your PC.
Please note: the AudioServer application only captures the audio output from any running applications and transmits that captured audio wirelessly to AirPhone on your Android phone/table. AudioServer itself does not playback any audio files.
The audio server application can be downloaded from our website:
夜深了天涼了,你希望躺在床上觀看電影嗎?可是又怕影響家人休息的各位夜貓族,你只需要一個無線耳機,便可以解決以上煩惱!AirPhone 能使你的 Android phone/tablet 搖身一變,變成一個WiFi耳機!
1. OS:Android 6.0 及以上
2. 打開 Android phone/tablet 的WiFi模式
3. 在電腦上安裝服務程序AudioServer
4. Android phone/tablet 和電腦必須在同一子網絡
5. Windows 10