AIMS Mobile Parking Enforcement App runs on your android device.

Latest Version

Jan 16, 2025

App APKs


AIMS Mobile Parking Enforcement App runs on your android device for parking citation issuance, permit issuance and look-up, repeat offender tracking and electronic tire chalking. Information is transferred to the AIMS system in real-time through your cellular or Wi-Fi network.

Compatible with most Android Smartphones/Tablets including:
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy Note
- Samsung Galaxy Tab
- Panasonic Toughpad
- Sonimtech XP
- Motorola Droid, Moto Z

Enhanced ticket issuance features:
- Voice Entry of permit and license information, location and comments, eliminates the need for manual keyboard entry.
- Record audio notes or customer confrontations- downloaded and attached to ticket record.
- AIMS Mobile records the GPS coordinates where the ticket is issued. Displays ticket location via a map display in the AIMS system. AIMS displays a path of travel for the device within the specified time range.

Real-time communications with the AIMS database
- Vehicle information retrieved from AIMS.
- Up to the minute Habitual Offender and Permit information retrieved from AIMS.
- Vehicle ticket history retrieved and displayed for officer review.
- Ticket update into AIMS immediately, including image and audio attachments.

Electronic Vehicle Timing
- Vehicle timing information sent to AIMS database and shared with all connected devices.
- Supports enforcement across multiple shifts or overlapping routes.
- Voice entry of timing information.

Integration with other parking technologies
- Pay Stations. Current Pay by Space and Pay by Plate information displays directly in AIMS Mobile, without having to separately consult the vendors' system.
- License Plate Recognition (LPR) systems. AIMS sends habitual offender and permit information to LPR system. AIMS Mobile receives vehicle "hit" information from LPR system including: Hotlist hits, Overtime hits, Permit hits, Shared permit hits. Vehicle hit location sent to handhelds and displayed via a map for simplified location of the violation.
-Pay by Phone Systems. Verifies initial or extended expiration time.

Event Point of Sale
- Sell permits at events with full accounting and control. Cash payments or Credit Card payments - charge authorized immediately from handheld; encrypted and PCI compliant.
- Scan permits sold in advance for authentication and validation.
- Real-time update with AIMS identifies status of permits and lot capacities.
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