Agents of Discovery GAME
There are Missions to play outside in Canada, the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. Check out our list of current sites here:
Can’t find one near you? Fear not! Agents of Discovery has partnered with Johnny Morris’ Wonders of Wildlife Foundation to bring you Mission Conservation — a series of play-at-home Missions and livestreams. Head over to the Mission Conservation page for more information:
Let’s get the jargon out of the way:
Missions are games or scavenger hunts, made up of Challenges. Each Mission has a map of its location and a Field Agent to guide you.
Challenges are questions or games. There are a variety of Challenge types: AR Picker, Image 50/50, AR Catch, AR Sorter, and Sound Matcher, to name a few. Once you have completed all the Challenges in your Mission, you’ll unlock a reward!
What is a petroglyph? How much water goes over Niagara Falls? Why does the moon change shape? Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? Why are bees so important? How do you prevent wildfires? How do you change the world? We’ll help you answer all these questions and more!