Agenda Insoft 3 APP
Insoft Agenda allows social workers to check daily appointments and receive changes to the agenda in real time. In addition to recording scheduled accesses and reporting non-executions, it is possible to generate new ones directly through the App.
It is possible to use the NFC technology to perform the clocking, and the maps of Google Maps to get precise information on the users followed.
For each intervention it is possible to indicate the activities carried out and the compliance detected in the provision of services.
More generally, Agenda allows you to carry out your business independently and efficiently.
★★ Always available ★★
The data displayed and modified on the mobile device is transferred to the Insoft environment through a secure and monitored synchronization process, typically via the mobile network (GSM / UMTS / LTE). Nevertheless the application can be used even in the absence of connectivity.
The list of interventions, the clockings and all the data used by the Agenda Insoft 3 application are in fact stored inside the device, to allow operators to work in any connection context even when it is absent.