Action Sales APP
The CRM Action sales app will help you view your clients, activities, orders and indicators assigned to you on the CRM Action sales website, you can also manage your activities and generate orders while you are on the move. Turn your phone into a personal sales assistant to simplify your daily activities.
Any changes you make from the app are instantly synced to your CRM Action sales account. This makes it easier than ever to drive real-time collaboration between sales team members.
* The app is designed to work even without having an Internet connection.
* You will be able to generate receipts for your clients.
* You can duplicate an order quickly and easily.
* You can see the invoices generated in PDF format.
* Receive notification when an activity is assigned.
The app has a map that will show all the clients nearby.
You will also be able to select a particular client, connecting with Google Maps to start the GPS-guided tour.