Acrapol APP
If you are not a student:
- You will have available all the updated regulations that affect the agenda of the Basic Scale opposition, at any time and place with just one click: Constitution, Penal Code, LO 2/86, Basic Statute of Public Employees, Government Law, PRL, Immigration, Arms Regulations, etc. You will always have the DLE at hand to be able to make inquiries quickly. In addition, from the app you can access our Challenges platform and put yourself to the test by participating in challenges against our students or other opponents. You will be able to see in our "videos" section content that will be very useful to you.
If you are a student:
- In addition to all of the above, you can quickly access the campus where you can take the tests, review the tests, consult the forums, download the content uploaded by the teaching team, etc. You can also access the Challenges platform where you can configure the tests to suit you, choosing the topic or topics you want to practice and taking unlimited tests of all of them, you can, of course, put yourself to the test by participating in challenges against the rest of the students or, even against other users of the app.