Achry APP
Registered users will be provided with features allowing them to rate businesses, contact them, give their opinions on published products, and subscribe to the businesses of their choice in order to be notified of each new product. up close from his MyAchry profile page, where his personal information, actions (likes, reviews, subscription), messaging and where he will receive all his notifications will be gathered. All for the price of 0.00 DZD, our app and website is and will remain free for our users.
The merchant, thanks to his space in Achry, makes himself accessible to all our visitors and users and gets closer to his potential customers. Their number of visits, opinions on their products and subscriptions will be displayed on their merchant profile, so they can measure the impact of their published products / services, which will help them to know the market's expectations and anticipate demand. . To acquire a merchant account, the user will have to take out a subscription, its price, affordable for all budgets, varies according to the size of the establishment and the desired subscription period. So, whether you are a merchant wanting to promote your business and attract more customers, or an individual looking for a product or wanting to showcase without having to travel, ACHRY is the shortcut for you. Here you are everywhere.