Accesos Ejército de Tierra APP
The information contained in the App corresponds to the rules of entry into the Armed Forces, currently in force, and calls published to date on the various forms of access, by the system of direct entry, the Army and Corps common Armed Forces of Spain.
The App also provides information on the different scales and specialties of both the Army and the Common Corps, with a brief description of the roles and missions of each of them.
Likewise it provides dial-up or via email with the different information points established to provide information on income in FAS.
Information about access to different scales bodies and internal promotion is not covered by this app must use the App for that "Vocational Guidance ET" which has been published on the intranet Army.
All media elements used are © Army. The contents of this application are merely informative and may change the terms of access of each body and scale in the corresponding calls to be published.