aBoxMemo: Rappel de médicament APP
Because your treatment is only fully effective if it is taken correctly, the Arrow laboratory, through aBox Mémo, has the mission to remind you to take your medications anywhere and anytime, whatever your pathologies: diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, asthma, epilepsy, etc.
Find all your medications, even the most recent ones, thanks to the regularly updated aBox Mémo application database.
Don't worry about missing a shot! The aBox Mémo application allows you to receive your notifications even without an internet connection, for greater ease in taking your treatment. aBox Mémo is the simple and completely free solution for your health.
▪ New:
It is now possible to manage several profiles in the same application:
- With “my tribe”, you can record and follow the treatments of your family members. Reminding your children to take their medication is no longer a headache!
- With “my subscribers”, choose the people who can follow your medication intake remotely.
- With “my subscriptions”, follow the correct treatment of all the people who give you access to it, at the frequency you want.
Furthermore, in addition to the compliance report, you have access to the compliance percentage for each configured medication reminder.
▪ Set up to 12 medication reminders:
The aBox Mémo application simplifies taking treatment thanks to a color code that allows you to identify up to 12 medications. Setting a reminder has never been easier: one color = one medication.
▪ Carry the right amount of medication with you:
With the “prepare my box” function you easily know how many medications you need to take with you over a given period. The application tells you for each previously recorded reminder the quantity of medication to take with you.
▪ Organization of treatments by color using the aBox Memo box:
Simpler and more portable than a pillbox, the aBox Mémo box accompanies you every day.
Record your reminders and place your medications, tablets, capsules and pills in the associated aBox memo box to take your treatments everywhere with you. No longer confuse your treatments thanks to the aBox Mémo color code. One color = one medicine.
Request a free aBox Mémo box from a pharmacist partner of the operation.
▪ Sharing your tracking:
Share your observance with your loved ones or your healthcare professional. Thanks to the aBox Mémo diary, export your medication history in one click. Allow your doctors, pharmacists and nurses to follow the progress of your treatment during personalized follow-up, for example. Talk to your pharmacist!
▪ Access to medication instructions
Thanks to its database, access the instructions for all your medications in one click or by simply scanning the box. Keep the instructions for your favorite medications and share them with your loved ones.
Android specific: This application replaces the old version. Please delete the old version to install this one to take advantage of the new features.