Abendpost APP
Every evening before you go to sleep, the “Abendpost” brings you a load of reading, laughing, listening to stories from our well-known authors, reading exercises for your child and some music to end the day relaxed.
Also in attendance are well-known characters from 75 years of popular children's entertainment from the Oetinger publishing group, such as Sams, the Olchis, Ritter Trenk, Maluna Mondschein and many more.
With the “Evening Post” you decide anew every evening: Do you read something to your child or do you read together? We have developed helpful tools especially for children that make learning easier. This way you can turn your daily sleep ritual into a common routine.
Every day at 5 p.m. you will receive an email with a link to the current issue of the “Abendpost”, which you can easily open using the app on your smartphone or tablet. And if you particularly like something: Each issue is available to you for 30 days!