With 'A Word' game you can give your brain a good exercise and increase your word knowledge.
Just like you feed yourself food for your body, similarly your brain needs words or new information daily to function well.
A word game brings you to have an amazing experience of not only casual fun play but also challenges your brain so that you can train it to be better.
You get one word every 12 hours to be guessed, and yeah we know you have no idea what that word is but you can learn from your mistakes and you get about 6 chances to guess it right.
If you love to guess others' thoughts and you think you are good at it then we want to challenge you to guess the word. It's just a 5 letter word, how hard can it be? Trust us, it is hard when you know nothing about it. All you can do is guess it.
It's one of the fantastic learning game made for Android that allows you to develop a productive hobby simultaneously with the improvement in your vocabulary, concentration, and confidence.
How do you play?
You can start by choosing any 5 letter world of your choice and put it in your first row. If any of the letter from your word show up colour like green, blue and grey, it will hint you towards correct letter.
The three colours represents: -
Green: The letter is on the exact place in the word
Blue: The letter is some where in the word
Grey: The letter is nowhere in the word
For example if you typed “EARNT“ and the correct word is “FANCY” the letter 'A' will light up as Green. Letter 'N' will light up as Blue and 'E', 'R' and 'T' will light up with Grey colour because they don’t exist in the correct word. It means any subsequent word you type, you should keep 'A' in the same place but you should shift around the letter 'N' to find the correct spot for the letter and not use the letters 'E', 'R' and 'T' to guess the correct word! Also, to keep this in mind that the same letter can be used more than once in a word.
Why A-world?
A - Word is a very fantastic word game, which you can play and share your results with you friends and family on social media. So get ready to compete and enjoy with your friends, family or with any one in the world. You can play this game anytime anywhere and it also allows you to take break and come back and play every 12 hours. After each session you can also share your results to social media just by taping on share button.
So what are you waiting for? Go, download this free and world's best Android's word game and let's solve this puzzle of new words.