A-Way WeGo APP
Advanced Trip Planner—from your home to your final destination, know the route you’re going to take and when you will arrive when using fixed-route or on-demand services.
A-Way WeGo utilizes TripShot's True-Time® data to track up-to-the-second, GPS-based location or our vehicles and arrival times for fixed-route and on-demand vehicles.
Schedule & Route Review—view route schedules on a stop-by-stop basis on all available routes so you can plan every trip ahead of time.
Intelligent Notifications—subscribe to routes or stops to get arrival, departure and delay information sent directly to your device.
On Demand—request an on-demand ride and get a real-time view of all available vehicles.
Have questions? Need some help? Let us know! Contact the Anaheim Transportation Network support team at info@atnetwork.org