An essential app for middle-aged people, all Trot 7080s are gathered together.

Latest Version

Jan 31, 2025
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7080 추억의 애창곡 노래모음 최신트로트 APP

7080 Listen to everything from old songs to the latest trot for free without registering!
A variety of genres are included, including nostalgic 7080 songs, the latest popular trot, karaoke favorites, college song contests, light music, folk songs, disco, Gakseol Ipumbataryeong, and cabaret.

It has a very simple structure that allows music to be played with just a touch so that parents and the elderly can easily use it, and it supports lyrics so you can sing along while listening to the song.
It also supports a timer function and an eye-friendly dark mode, and you can always listen to your favorite songs by creating a favorite playlist.

>> Feature introduction:
1. High quality sound - Enjoy music with clear sound.
2. View lyrics - Sing along while looking at the lyrics.
3. Shuffle/Repeat/Continue Listening - Supports various playback options.
4. Bedtime timer - no problem when you sleep.
5. In-vehicle Bluetooth connection available – enjoy while on the go.
6. Library Favorites feature - Create your own playlist.
8. Dark mode that is easy on the eyes - Reduces eye fatigue.
9. Latest songs added every day - Check out the new songs quickly.
10. Quick song search function - Easily find the song you want.
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