60 Hertz O&M APP
Mobile app: The mobile app is easy to use for field techs on the job:
- Larger buttons and form fields to make navigation easier
- Light and dark mode to ensure the screen and the job are visible whether out in the field or inside a power house
- In-form diagrams, schematics, and guidance just one tap away for quick reference
- Offline and real-time data validation to catch any “fat finger” moments
- System for attaching photos and notes to send to co-workers
Whether technicians are doing routine maintenance, troubleshooting a piece of equipment, or fixing an asset, the 60Hertz platform ensures they are equipped for the job.
The 60Hertz mobile app pairs with our web portal and designer where administrators, supervisors, and department heads can set-up forms and workflows. Data and information that are collected in the field are organized for easy viewing and analysis. For more information on the 60Hertz platform, please visit 60hertzenergy.com