6 Ofício Cuiabá APP
Now you have the 6th Office Notary in the palm of your hand any day, time and place.
Download this app and get access to services in an easier, faster and safer way.
Know the available services:
- Firm Recognition:
Allows to perform CPF consult to check if there is registration in this service and is within the validity.
- Scripture:
Allows you to follow your protocol in real time of all steps performed in the service, you can register by reading the Qrcode or typing the access code generated shortly after protocol the request of the deed;
Shows deed data, presenter, and parties involved;
- Real Estate Registration:
Under development, will be available soon.
- Menu:
· Edit my data: Change personal data;
· Names of services - Rec.Firmas, Deeds and Real Estate Registration;
· Contacts: Check service hours, Address, Email and Serventia phones;
· About: Current app version information and who made the App;