3기신도시 사전청약 알리미 - 공공분양, 신혼희망타운 APP
All related information, such as the 3rd new city pre-registration schedule, location and subscription conditions, and frequently asked questions, is provided.
● The 3rd new city pre-order reminder will help you with your dream of owning your first home.
● Location of 3 new towns on the map
Easily check new towns in your area on a map.
● Don't miss out! Real-time notification of subscription schedule
3rd new city public sale, recruitment of newlyweds hope town
Goyang Changneung, Wirye, Seongnam Bokjeong, Namyangju Wangsuk, Hanam Gyosan, Incheon Gyeyang, Bucheon Daejang, Gwangmyeong Siheung, etc.
Check various information such as advance subscription and main subscription schedule and receive real-time notifications.
● The powerful function of the 3rd new city pre-registration reminder app
- New city information on the map
- Regional information
- Major district search function
- Real-time notification push notifications
- Update on the latest news related to the 3rd new city
- Share with friends
data source
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and 3rd new city.kr
This app was created using public Nuri Type 1 (source indication, commercially available, subject to change) data. This app is not an official app representing a government or political institution, and it is an app created by individuals for the purpose of convenient use by many people and does not take any responsibility.