2dr.ru APP
Quick access to information about doctor visits, appointments and health indicators.
Available for regions:
- Belgorod region
- Oryol Region
Information for residents of the Vladimir region:
In 2022, the Ministry of Health of the Vladimir Region made a transition to another information system, so some polyclinics are now unavailable in our mobile application and on the lk.miac33.ru portal
Enrollment is now open for these polyclinics through the State Services.
Features of the application 2dr.ru:
− making an appointment with doctors in polyclinics that have electronic medical records;
− viewing the history of requests for medical care and the cost of services rendered;
− calling a doctor at home with the possibility of indicating complaints and symptoms of the disease;
- input of personal health indicators (height, weight, pulse, temperature, pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, health assessment on the SCORE scale);
− view personal vaccination plan with details on completed and upcoming vaccinations;
− assessment of the results of the treatment.