1Time Bygg APP
1Time allows you as an individual artisans or small construction company manage timecards, personnel ledger and the invoice and salary details - everything in a simple and handy app for your mobile. The supervisor or administrator also has access to a web interface for additional visibility and functionality.
Tidredovisningen performed either by the employee clock in and out via the app or by later put in current times - also via the app. Our recommendation is that those using the app also writes some notes on what they have done during the day. This is to facilitate the subsequent billing.
Whenever times are reported, the employer has access to information and can produce invoices and documentation for salary. The same process is also the project management.
To have good control of their company's projects is crucial Duly completed and well updated information always pays off in the long run. With 1Time load easily into useful information on your projects so that clients, deliver address, supervisors etc.
Another very useful feature is that you can view the project in the past. Let's say you get a request to build a garden shed with a sedum roof. With the help of 1Time, you can view a similar project as you did several years ago to get an estimate of approximately how much time it where grass roof took to add.