168免费国际电话 APP
◈ Joining fee, basic fee, international calling fee, free of charge.
◈ We use a high-end international line dedicated to China, which is no different from the quality of existing international calls.
只需 You only need to pay for the domestic call charges generated by mobile communication, you can use international calls at will.
◈ The smart phone uses the 168 free international call with the agreed call rate system, which offsets the free time during the free call time and does not generate domestic call charges.
◈ Press the "Call" button to instantly access the 168 free international calling system to generate domestic calls.
◈ Please refer to the free use of international telephone voice prompts in 19 countries including China, the United States, and Canada.
◈ Smartphones can connect to services more quickly if they use 3G or Wi-fi network devices.
[필수적 접근 권한]
1.전화 권한 : 정상적인 통화를 위해 꼭 필요한 기능입니다.
[ 선택적 접근 권한]
1. 주소록 권한 : 폰에 주소록을 주소록을 앱에서 동기화하기 위해 필요한 기능 입니다.