1 Rep Max Calculator and Log APP
This app is designed for bodybuilding and powerlifting, so it's important to track your progress. Log your best 1 rep max records using the built in log feature. Add exercises and log new records to watch your strength grow over time.
Need help determining which weights to put on the bar? Simply tap on any weight in the app to view the plate loader calculator. It will let you pick which weights you have available and the bar type you're using.
Trying to keep track of changes in your body weight? 1 Rep Max Calculator allows you to track your body weight and view the change over time. You can even set a goal body weight.
There are many 1 Rep Max formulas to choose from: Epley, Brzycki, Lombardi, Mayhew, McGlothin, OConner, Wathan. You can choose just a single formula or get an average of the ones you select.
This exact app isn't available for iOS or Web, but there is a light version here: https://www.onerepmaxcalc.com/