089MovilBC APP
Make a report completely anonymous via internet or by phone at the number 089 where you will be attend at the State Center for Anonymous Crime Reports, all staff working in this center was submitted and accredited in the confidence and evaluation processes required by the General Attorney's Office of Baja California State.
Remember, you can request the status of the investigation only with the folio number provided by the telephone operator and the appropriate password.
Through this application you can perform the following functions:
1. Call the anonymous crime report center at 089
2. Multimedia Anonymous Crime Report includes photos and information of persons and suspicious vehicles
3. Citizen Participation
a. Amber Alert and Minors missing
b. Most Wanted. Know and report the most wanted criminals
c. Report History, contains folios of reports and check through the web the current state of the investigation.
4. Guides, information about what to do in case of an emergency and prevention to avoid being a victim of crime
Crimes you can report:
- Kidnapping
- Phone Extortion
- Phone fraud
- Buying or Selling stolen items
- Dismantle of stolen vehicles
- Diverse Thefts (houses, cars, etc.)
- Abandoned Houses
- Drug sales
We invite you to make a proper use of this service.