Flood information of the whole country is provided based on rainfall, river level, dam, beams, and data provided by the flood control center in real time.

Latest Version

Aug 12, 2024
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홍수알리미 APP

Flood Alert app provides flood information from all over the country based on real-time precipitation, river water level, dam, and protection data provided by the Ministry of Environment's flood control station. is.

* main function
1. Real-time hydrologic data
-Real-time data on precipitation, river water level, dam, beams and rainfall radar
2. Flood situation
-Flood Forecast, Road, Railroad, Dam Release History, Flood Release Details, Flood Zone Information
3. Settings
-Set up points of interest, set up alerts for flood conditions, etc.

* New feature
-Added video player full screen

《Flood Alert app detailed usage and inquiries can be found in Settings> Program Information> Help of Flood Alert app》
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