Precipitation - Precisely up to the minute dust information in spring 2019!

Latest Version

Apr 10, 2019

App APKs

호우호우 - 미세먼지 완전 정복 APP

With real-time fine dust information from torrential rains
Get the most compelling weather information in card view.

- In 2019, more information about spring dust and fine dust in spring, please check with real-time fine dust animation information and the most accurate fine dust information card!

- Real-time weather forecast through rain storm character
The most accurate weather information of the location is expressed by the feeling of the rain storm character only by weather weather forecast which is updated in real time! Even the torrential rain moves!

- Newly added weather forecast widget provides a cleaner and more compassionable weather forecast information. Now, install the widest weather widget on your cellphone wallpapers!

- Yesterday - Today - Tomorrow weather comparison information, Rain news only to be informed by rain
We provide real-time weather comparisons on a daily basis based on the temperature of the senses, and the status of the yellow dust and fine dust forecasts are more detailed than other weather applications. And more than anything, I will let you know about the rain tomorrow through the reliable forecasting system of rainfall, not the probability of precipitation any more!

- Daily hourly weather forecast and weekly detailed weather forecast
The most agreeable image of the weather tells you the weather forecast in detail.

- Real-time weather for users on social maps
You can easily and precisely see the weather on the place where people are using the torrential rainfall through the social map.

- Real-time dust and fine dust information / Gusts, heavy rain,
We will notify you immediately of special weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rain, typhoons, heat waves and cold waves.
Please check the animation of the main page screen!

- The effort of the heavy rain which conveys the feeling weather more accurately! WCQS (Weather Crowdsourcing Question System)
By combining information that people actually feel about the weather with meteorological data, the torrential rain provides more compassionable weather information!
The rainbow button system is more elaborate and can deliver rainbows much faster than weather station weather data.
Now, turn on rain notification on the fourth setting page!

"The earth has never been the same again since it was born."
From now on,

You can request your current location information permission to provide the most accurate current location weather information.

* Korea Meteorological Industry Promotion Agency 'Meteorological Climate Industry Young Entrepreneurship Support Project' / '2016 Korea Meteorological Industry Award' Meteorological Administration Award / 2016 Google Play Store
* Standby data is based on the Korea Environment Corporation (Air Korea) and real-time data before confirmation.

[Required Access Guide]
* Location: You can request current location information permission to provide the most accurate current location weather information.
- Permission to request location information.
(Used for location related to weather, content card, content popup, etc.)

[Optional Access Guide]
* Photos / Media / Files, Storage Capacity: You can request storage access permission when saving images for weather sharing function.
- The permission requested when using the sharing function.
(It is used because it is a method of storing the card format in the storage as an image and then transferring the image to SNS etc.)
* Wi-Fi connection information
- Permission can be requested to improve location information.
- You can use the service even if you do not agree to allow the optional access rights.

* Korea Meteorological Industry Promotion Agency 'Meteorological Climate Industry Young Entrepreneurship Support Project' / '2016 Korea Meteorological Industry Award'
* Standby data is based on the Korea Environment Corporation (Air Korea) and real-time data before confirmation.
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