현금영수증 발급 - 캐시빌(사업자용) APP
You can immediately issue a cash receipt for free!
● Log in immediately with your business registration number and Hometax ID!
- No membership registration or business verification process
- Cash receipts can be issued immediately after logging in
● Easy cash receipt issuance!
- Immediately issue cash receipts through the app
- Regular issuance for repeated issuance
- Share issued cash receipts
● Manage cash receipt issuance details!
- Management of issuance history
- Real-time update of National Tax Service application/approval status
● Cashville Pro membership service for business owners with a large volume of issuances!
- Notification of issuance to customers through Kakao Notification Talk
- Automatic completion of customer information
- One-touch input of item information
- Simple one-touch issuance for customers
- Bulk issuance by selecting multiple customers at once
- Fixed mass issuance of items
- Unlimited registration for regular issuance
* Membership service
- As a regular payment product, usage fees are charged to your Google Play account every month.
- If you do not cancel your regular payment 24 hours before the end of the payment period, the next month's fee will be automatically charged.
- You can cancel your subscription at any time through Google Play Subscription.
- If you cancel your regular payment, your membership service will be maintained for the remaining payment period and the amount paid will not be refunded.