Nice to meet you~ Moonsen’s overwhelming market share, Tnitni! Get class information and fun Tnitney content now on your mobile phone!

Latest Version

Jul 6, 2023

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Nice to meet you~ Tnitney, which has an overwhelming market share of the cultural center!

The best high-quality infant and toddler program chosen by 300,000 members annually!

If you are a member taking Tnitni classes!

Or if you're curious about Tnitney! Get class information and fun Tnitney content on your mobile phone!

Nice to meet you~Tnitni, Moonsen’s overwhelming market share number one!

The best high-quality infant and toddler physical education classes chosen by 300,000 members annually!

If you are a member taking a Tunituni course! Or if you are curious about Tunituni! Get class information and fun Tnitney content on your mobile phone!

#Tnitny video content
Tnitni gymnastics videos on various topics! Tnitni PLAY whenever and wherever your child wants! My child wants to do more and more as he or she wants. Now, let's learn about lifestyle habits with Tnitney!

#Convenient class management
Conveniently manage all news about Tnitney classes, including my class information and class cancellations!

#Communicate directly with the Tnitni instructor
Communicate with your instructor Don’t worry anymore! You can communicate directly with the instructor through class notifications and the community.

If you have any questions regarding the [Tnitney] app,
@Tnitny If you inquire through the Kakao channel, you will receive a faster response.
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