전화번호안심로그인 APP
- What is phone number safe login?
By encrypting and storing the site account in the smartphone USIM and security server, and logging in through mobile phone information authentication,
This is a service with enhanced login security and convenience.
- ID/password safe storage
: Store your frequently used site ID/password safely in the smartphone USIM and security server!
- Safe/easy login
: Log in safely and easily through mobile phone authentication with the ID/password stored in the smartphone UISM and security server!
- Hacking and phishing rewards
: Provides up to 500,000 won compensation insurance in case of financial damage caused by hacking or phishing (KB Insurance, Phishing Hacking Financial Fraud Insurance)
○ Fee
: This service is an affiliate service with a telecommunication company. When you sign up for this service, '1,100 won per month (including tax)' is charged.
○ Cancellation information
- Phone number safe login website: ttps://safeconnect.co.kr/usaf/hweb/cancel
- Phone number safe login customer center: 1670-4273 (weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00, lunch break, weekends/holidays excluded)
○ Available models and conditions
- Android 4.0 or higher
- USIM and terminals opened by telecommunication companies (excluding overseas/self-sufficient terminals)