이지포스 모바일 Pro APP
The traditional simple "Easy Force Mobile Lite" version developed from the wealth of sales analysis functions and ordering, push, real-time order status, etc. of the various mobile-featured applications.
"Easy POS Mobile Pro" has been placed to analyze the focus on revenue management chain to be the headquarters, and handled via a mobile device can be used ordering.
In addition, we support notifications (push) and real-time order status of merchant for various events.
Smart "mobile force not professional" is more taste to upgrade services through.
■ "Easy Force Mobile Lite" May 200,000 connections to the month-rich service that boasts of 500 make up the number of executions
The birth of a feature "Easy Force Mobile Pro" version that is more nopilsu utilization.
■ It shares characteristics that can retain and use the most features at a low cost compared to the same service app.
■ Existing mobile app can be notified, without limitation, a 'Push' function that receives notification that the cost of such sales, attendance to the character occurs.
* See website: https://www.kicc.co.kr/ (POS menu)
* EasyPOS dedicated call center telephone number: 1599-9100