아이엠그라운드 - 국민 풋살 어플 APP
From [stadium reservation] to [team match],
Download the futsal app used by the most people right now.
#Having the largest number of stadiums in the country: Stadium reservations
Over 1,000 stadiums in Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Busan
You can find them all in one place.
[Baseball reservation] faster than by phone, try it now!
#Futsal is originally a team sport: I Am Match
Solve stadium reservations and team matching at once.
Manners skills verification system, safe and easy payment solution,
Even cafes and channel linking systems.
Experience the new futsal team matching culture proposed by iAm Ground and Everyone’s Futsal.
#Basketball court can also be reserved
Search and make a reservation at I Am Ground.
(Currently, only a few stadiums are affiliated, but we are expanding one by one)