쏘닥 - Sodoc APP
It is safest to receive non-face-to-face treatment from a doctor who has a patient's EMR (electronic medical record) record.
Start your healthy life with Sodak, which pursues safety and convenience.
◈ Non-face-to-face treatment with the attending physician
You can register your primary care doctor and receive non-face-to-face treatment by simply scanning a QR code provided in the hospital you visit frequently.
◈ Safe medical treatment by entering symptoms and diseases
You can receive safe non-face-to-face treatment by simply entering your symptoms to your doctor.
◈ Convenient and safe drug delivery service
Fast and safe delivery services such as direct pickup (person, agent), courier pickup, and quick delivery are available.
◈ Online service of indemnity insurance documents
You can easily process real-life insurance proof documents through the app.
◈ Non-face-to-face reception service
When visiting the hospital in person, you can apply quickly by scanning the QR code.
◈ Other additional services
You can manage your health by checking medical records, prescription records, consultations with hospitals and pharmacies, etc.
You can have real-time conversations with medical institutions and pharmacies through chat windows.
Payment is made safely and quickly with the registered card.
◈ Inquiries will be answered sincerely
1) Customer center: 1644-2447
2) Email: sodoc2022@nate.com