This is a guide application for grants 24 starting from April 2021.

Latest Version

Jan 25, 2025
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보조금24 활용안내서 - 신청 방법 및 자주 묻는 질문 APP

This application is a guide application for the Subsidy 24 service starting in April 2012. You can check how to use and access Subsidy 24, open period, questions, and QNA.

- What is Subsidy 24?
Subsidy 24 is a system that allows you to check and apply for over 300 types of services at once, including childcare allowances, energy vouchers, youth preferential subscription accounts, and basic pensions.

- This app has no affiliation or collaboration with any government or political organization and is not an official app.
- This app was created by an individual for the purpose of providing information to users.
- Although we strive to maintain accuracy and up-to-dateness of the information provided, it has no legal effect, and the final responsibility for the use of the information lies with the user.

[Information Source]
- Korea Policy Briefing website: Subsidy 24 subscription information
- Grant24 website: Introduction to Grant24

[privacy policy]
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