바둑2.0 GAME
▶ Real swordsman game
Enjoy the real game with real masters anywhere, anytime, anywhere.
▶ Add 13 lines and 9 lines of Go
Added 13-line and 9-line Go modes that can be enjoyed in a short time such as commuting time and lunch time
▶'SNS Notation Appreciation' that leaves a reference to a friend's notation
This is a social media based on the notation of my notation and friends' unfolding on the timeline.
Please leave your likes, comments, and references in your friends' notation.
❖ Guide to required access rights
-In-app purchase: Purchase items in the game.
-ID: Use account and profile data used by the device.
-Photo/Video/File: Temporarily saves thumbnail images of users to reduce data usage.
-Device ID and call information: Guest login using the user's device ID.