모앗닷 - 모든 내신영어 문제를 모았다 APP
❖ 1000 school past problems
❖ Over 130,000 English past exam questions
❖ 6 years worth of evaluator problems
❖ Various textbooks, CSAT, and evaluation center problems
❖ National Combined Academic Ability Test for 5 Years All Grades [Mock Test]
❖ Update the latest past problems and mock test questions for each school
What are the study methods provided by Moaddot?
✏️ Study: Try one question at a time and check your answer quickly!
Try it like this!
▶︎ When the test is just around the corner!
▶︎ When you want to quickly check the answer!
▶︎ When you want to remember the fingerprint and check the answer!
📝 Take the Test: Try to solve all the puzzles and check your skills.
Try it like this!
▶︎ When you wonder how many points you will get right before an exam or a mock exam!
▶︎ When you want to check how prepared you are after studying!
▶︎ When you want to solve actual past problems!
📑 Incorrect answer note: Check the questions you solved in Study and Test in the incorrect answer note again.
Try using this!
▶︎ When you want to study again about the problem you solved!
▶︎ When you can't remember the problem you solved!
▶︎ When you don't have enough time to review!