There is no need for troublesome advance preparations such as no interview , no resume , 1 day , 1 week , etc., and you can search with the desired conditions unique to short-term and one-time jobs! When you want to work, you can work hard!

Latest Version

Jan 25, 2025
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短期バイト 単発バイト 短期・単発バイトはショットワークス APP

``No interview'', ``No resume'', no need for troublesome advance preparation! You can search by desired conditions unique to short-term/single part-time jobs, such as "1 day" or "1 week"! You can work instantly when you want to work!

This is an app from ``Shotworks'', one of Japan's largest part-time and one-time part-time job information sites operated by Tsunagu Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
Over 15 years of operational experience. We publish tens of thousands of new jobs every month.

[Features of the app]
■ Abundant search conditions unique to short-term/single part-time job searches
We have posted a large number of short-term part-time jobs such as ``1 day tomorrow'', ``only this weekend'', ``1 week'', and ``1 month''. You can search for part-time jobs by date or number of working days, so it's perfect for finding short-term, one-off part-time jobs that suit your needs!
You can also narrow down your search based on various criteria, such as ``no interview'' and ``daily payment.''

■ Easily search for desired job information!
With "Easy Search", you can search for short-term, one-time part-time jobs by simply tapping on the desired conditions, such as "1 day tomorrow," "daily pay for 2 or 3 days," or "no interview."
With the "Special Search", you can narrow down job openings by not only the number of working days but also detailed conditions such as "resume not required" and "work from home" by entering keywords.

■ Get notified of new part-time jobs instantly with push notifications!
If you save your desired conditions, you can receive push notifications of new bites.
Short-term/one-off part-time jobs often have high rates and application deadlines are early, so by using the notification function, you won't miss out on information about popular part-time jobs!

■ There are many short-term part-time jobs and one-off part-time job openings that do not require an interview or resume.
Recommended for those who want to work part-time all day long, are looking for a one-off part-time job without the hassle of interviews, and are looking for a part-time job that pays a daily wage.
For short-term, one-off part-time jobs, and same-day job openings posted on Shotworks, it is also possible to search for ``no interview'' and ``no resume required.''
If you work part-time during your spare time, you can use your free time effectively.
If you are looking for a short-term part-time job or one-off part-time job that does not require any troublesome advance preparation, look no further than "Short-term part-time job/single-off part-time job Shotworks"

[``Shotworks'' is recommended for people looking for part-time work under the following conditions]
・I was interested in short-term part-time jobs that require registration or temporary part-time jobs.
・I want to find a part-time job where I can get paid in cash on the same day.
・I want to do manual labor as a day laborer
・I want to try a part-time job that even housewives can do in their spare time.
・I like that it is a one-time part-time job and there is no interview.
・I want to find a one-time part-time job that welcomes students and that even high school students can apply for.
・I am interested in becoming a popular part-time concert staff member.
・I would like to experience clerical work as a day job.
・I would like to work in a warehouse among my part-time day jobs.
・I want a short-term part-time job with the conditions that no resume is required and no interview is required.
・I want to find a night shift that suits my convenience among free time part-time jobs.
・I need money right away, so I would like a one-day part-time job that pays quickly.
・Looking for a posting job as a part-time job with a daily wage
・I want to save money steadily by using my part-time job
・I want to apply for a part-time job that I can do at home
・Looking for a one-time convenience store part-time job that I wanted to take on
・I want to work part-time at home and do something that can be done just by using my smartphone.
・If possible, I would like to work part-time at a place where there is no interview and no resume is required.
・I'm looking for a part-time job with a daily wage that pays me in cash.
・I want to work comfortably in a quiet day job.
- Job openings that allow you to work spot-on, such as a one-day part-time job, are ideal.
・I want to apply for a one-day part-time job only on holidays and weekends.
・I want to find a job that allows me to work part-time on the same day in my free time.
・I want to work quickly with a part-time job for one day
・I want to apply for a day job that I can start without training.
・I want to get paid on the day of a part-time job that pays daily.
・Looking for a short-term part-time job at a convenience store close to home
・I want to enjoy working as a temporary part-time worker
・I want to get a part-time job in a neighborhood where I don't have to spend much time commuting.
・I want to earn money quickly through daily wage part-time work instead of monthly salary
・I want to find a short-term part-time job that welcomes high school students.
・Looking for a part-time day worker and a night shift worker.
・As I am a high school student, I would like to apply for a short-term part-time job or one-time part-time job that is OK even on Saturdays and Sundays.
・Looking for a short-term part-time job at a convenience store with experience
・I want to find a job where I can work part-time only in the morning
・I would like to receive a daily wage from a part-time job on the same day, rather than for a week.
・Looking for a one-time part-time job with a high hourly wage
・I want to find a part-time job in a factory where I work silently.
・Even among part-time jobs in free time, I prefer jobs other than customer service.
・I want to look for a daily wage part-time job with no minimum number of working days.
・I want to do something where I can serve customers even if it's just a part-time job.
・I would like to work a part-time job that involves physical activity such as moving, or a part-time job that pays a daily wage.
・I would like to receive money by hand on the day of my daily paid part-time job.
・As I am a high school student, I would like to work short-term part-time jobs or one-time part-time jobs during long vacations such as summer vacation, winter vacation, and spring vacation.
・Even among part-time jobs that pay daily, the conditions of being able to receive money by hand are good.
・I want to do day work in a nearby area that is easy to get to.
・I'm looking for a part-time job in a place that's not too far away, even if it's just a day job.
・I am interested in a short-term part-time job as a cashier.
・I want to work as a one-day part-time job or a short-term part-time job that utilizes my PC skills.
・I want to find a part-time job at a factory as a one-time part-time job.
・I want to find a morning shift as a part-time job.
・Looking for short-term part-time jobs for high school students
・I'm looking for a short-term part-time job or day job where I can learn some skills.
・I want to experience resoba in a short-term part-time job
・I want to work as a part-time day laborer with no experience required
・I'm looking for a short-term part-time job that is open to housewives and has a fixed period.

[“Shotworks” is recommended for these people]
・I want a part-time job app that allows me to easily find short-term part-time jobs and one-off part-time jobs.
・I want to find rare short-term part-time jobs or seasonal one-time part-time jobs that are rarely seen.
・I want to get cash on the same day with a part-time job that pays daily.
・I want to use my free time effectively for part-time work
・I want to use a one-time part-time job app to find the convenience store part-time job I wanted to try.
・I'm looking for a short-term part-time job that I can easily do without an interview.
・I want to have a one-time part-time job on a regular basis, so I want a one-time part-time job app that also has temporary job openings that require registration.
・I was interested in working as a daily wage part-time moving staff.
・I want to search for part-time jobs for high school students using a free part-time job app.
・I want to experience various occupations by working part-time for a day.
・I'm looking for a short-term part-time job because I had a sudden expense.
・I want an app that has short-term part-time jobs for high school students, rather than an app that offers many long-term part-time jobs.
・I want to use a part-time job search app that has part-time job information for event staff.
・I want to have a part-time job app that makes it easy to apply.
・I want to try day work where I can work in units of one day.
・I want to search for a short-term part-time job at a convenience store using a part-time job search app.
・I want to work part-time in my free time and achieve my savings goal.
・Looking for a daily part-time job with a friend
・I want to earn money all at once with a short-term part-time job
・I want to find a part-time job that welcomes university students and other students.
・I want to use a job search app to search for popular spare time part-time jobs.
・I want to enrich my day with a same-day part-time job or a gap-time part-time job where I can work in my free time.
・It won't be convenient unless it's a one-time part-time job
・Since this is my first time working, I would like to use an app that allows me to find part-time jobs that are OK for high school students.
・I want to find a job with daily pay part-time job or part-time job that is not tied to shifts.
・I want to work part-time only when my child is at school
・I want to use a part-time job app that allows me to search for part-time jobs based on desired conditions, such as weekly pay.
・I want to find a part-time job that allows me to work right away when I feel like it.
・I want to meet various people through short-term or one-off part-time jobs
・I want to find a job that allows me to work during my spare time using a one-time part-time job app
・I want to have a one-time part-time job app that allows me to quickly find a day job when I run out of plans.
・I want to use an app that makes it easy to find a part-time job
・I want to earn money by doing part-time work in my spare time, in addition to my regular job.
・High school student who wants to try a short-term part-time job
・I want to work as a short-term part-time job where I can experience many types of jobs.
・I want to easily search for daily paid part-time jobs with a one-time part-time job app
・I want to do day work at a spot without registering with a temporary agency.
・I want a part-time job where I can get paid for my work immediately.
・I want to save money by working part-time in my free time
・Looking for a spare part-time job after work
・I want to easily find a part-time job using my smartphone
・Since I cannot do long-term double work, I want to look for a short-term part-time job or a same-day part-time job.
・I want to search for jobs with a reliable part-time job app
・Since I am working for the first time in a while, I would like to apply for a short-term or one-off part-time job first.
・I want to work as a temporary part-time worker only during long vacations such as summer vacation, winter vacation, and spring vacation.
・I want to find a free part-time job with a free short-term part-time job search app that welcomes inexperienced people.
・I want to use a one-time part-time job app that allows me to search for part-time jobs by number of days.
・I'm looking for a free time part-time job instead of a full-time one-day part-time job.
・I want to earn money before my holidays with an app that allows me to search for short-term, one-off jobs where I can work on a one-day basis.
・I want to work with various people in temporary part-time jobs or one-time part-time jobs.
・I want to try a wide variety of temporary part-time jobs and one-time part-time jobs to gain experience.
・I want to keep doing short-term part-time jobs and one-off part-time jobs to save money.
・I want to participate in short-term part-time job recruitment with friends
・I want to apply for a day job that doesn't require tedious preparation.
・I want to use a one-time part-time job app that recruits short-term part-time jobs for high school students.
・I want to earn money through temporary part-time jobs and spare time part-time jobs to fund my travels.
・I want to apply for a daily wage part-time job where I can get paid quickly.
・I want a one-time part-time job app that allows me to apply for a part-time job on the same day.
・I want to apply for a short-term part-time job with a high hourly wage.

Search for short-term part-time jobs and one-time part-time jobs using "Shotworks" and apply for short-term part-time jobs and free part-time jobs that suit you!
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