With this, you can calculate 10% consumption tax quickly. 8% calculation and reduced tax rate are also supported.

Latest Version

Feb 13, 2024

App APKs

消費税10%電卓 APP

With this you can quickly calculate the 10% consumption tax.
8% calculation and reduced tax rates are also supported.

Calculate the tax-excluded amount, tax-inclusive amount, and tax amount.
The result is displayed as soon as you enter the number, so it is quick.
Also, it is convenient to write an expression such as "100 + 300".

The tax-included amount is indicated by truncation below the decimal point.

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Equipped with% OFF calculation function! Easy to calculate complicated discounts.

Compatible with reduced tax rates! You can select your favorite tax rate from the "Change tax rate" button! Even if 8% of products are mixed with 10% of products, you can calculate without difficulty!

Enhanced color customization! Currently 23 patterns are available.

Posted a text that may help you understand the reduced tax rate. If you read, you may have a better understanding of the reduced tax rates.

You can also calculate the tax-excluded amount from the tax-included amount!
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