【公式】ペッパーランチアプリ APP
We will distribute coupons and campaign information that can be used at Pepper Lunch.
By accumulating points, you can increase your membership rank! We offer benefits depending on your membership rank.
We will give you points when you visit our store and according to the results of the roulette wheel that you can spin every day.
[App features]
Home: Introducing advantageous campaign information and the latest menu. You can check your membership rank, and we also offer roulette that you can spin when you visit our store or every day.
Coupon: We will send you a discount coupon.
Ordering: Convenient mobile ordering is available at some stores.
Menu: You can check the menu and allergy information.
Store search: You can search for the store you are looking for by keyword search, area search, or map search.