ディスレクシア音読指導アプリ・単語版 ビギナー APP
This word reading aloud guidance application is an application for reading aloud practice of words was made based on deciphering guidance of the two-stage system of the T-type hiragana reading aloud support.
Those who are first-time users, at the National Center for Child Health and Development home page, and access from the department Child and adolescent mental health department of mind to "What is dyslexia", Ya intention of dyslexia and T-type Hiragana reading aloud support please start the use upon obtaining the basic knowledge about the aim. Once smoothly so that can read aloud the single note on the practice of "reading aloud guidance application integrated version", please try to challenge the "practice of the word" in this app.
Also please to practice step by step because it is divided into this as "word reading aloud guidance application" is also relatively simple "beginner" high degree of difficulty "Challenger" (another app).
According to the present application, we expect that the reading aloud of the basic words becomes smooth. Please, please continue to work hard.