The best medical encyclopedia available! Over 20,000 articles for free, without ads.

Latest Version

Feb 21, 2024

App APKs

ويكيبيديا الطبية بلا إنترنت APP

The medical Wikipedia app contains over 20,000 medical articles, so it is the largest and most comprehensive collection of health articles available in the Arabic language. It includes content about diseases, drugs, anatomy, and other health topics available on the free Wikipedia popular encyclopedia.

Because it contains medical articles, this app is suitable for medical practitioners, medical students and other healthcare professionals.

If you are located in one of the developing countries and do not have an internet connection, or you are on a boat in the middle of a remote area, the application will provide you with free access to the best compilation of recent medical articles.

Note: the app is over 350MB in size, so make sure you have enough space and a good Wi-Fi connection to download!
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